  • Kurse
  • Allgemeine Informationen

Allgemeine Informationen

Die Italienisch-Sprachkurse sind das ganze Jahr über belegbar und gemäß dem Europäischen Referenzrahmen in 6 verschiedene Niveaustufen (A1-C2) für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene unterteilt. Das Mindestalter für eine Teilnahme am Sprachkurs ist 16 Jahre.

Die Klassen bestehen aus mindestens 4 und maximal 10 Kursteilnehmern, wodurch der Lehrer die Möglichkeit hat, die Fortschritte, die jeder einzelne Sprachschüler beim Erlernen der italienischen Sprache macht, laufend mitzuverfolgen.

 The classes are made up of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 students, therefore creating a friendly and supportive environment in which the teacher can review the linguistic progress of each individual student.

Die Lerngruppen werden auf Grundlage der anfänglichen Sprachkenntnisse und der unterschiedlichen nationalen Herkünfte zusammengesetzt, sodass sprachliche Anreize geschaffen werden und die Sprachschüler zum Gebrauch der italienischen Sprache als „offizielle" Sprache ermuntert werden.


Am ersten Kurstag um 8:30 Uhr findet für all jene Kursteilnehmer, die schon einmal Italienisch gelernt haben, zur Feststellung der jeweils geeigneten Kursstufe von Niveau I bis VI ein schriftlicher und mündlicher Einstufungstest statt.


Am Ende jedes Kurses erhalten die Kursteilnehmer ein Zertifikat, das das Level des besuchten Sprachkurses, das absolvierte Kursprogramm und die erreichten Lernergebnisse bestätigt. Nach Absolvierung des Levels VI erhalten die Sprachschüler das Spezialdiplom der Accademia Italiana.


KURSSTUFEN Accademia Italiana KURSSTUFEN Europäischer Referenzrahmen
Stufe 1 Anfänger A1 Kontakt
Stufe 2 - Grundstufe I A1
Stufe 3 - Grundstufe II A2
Stufe 4 - Mittelstufe I B1
Stufe 5 - Mittelstufe II B2
Stufe 6 - Fortgeschrittene C1



Accademia Italiana Salerno

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Information released pursuant to Articles 13-14 of the GDPR 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation)

Dear Sir/Madam, pursuant to Art. 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 and in relation to the information that we will acquire, in order to protect private parties and other subjects in the processing of personal data, we inform you of the following:

1. Requested information:
We ask you to provide us with your following data: personal details (name, surname, date and place of birth), address, e-mail and telephone number. These data are mandatory, without them we will not be able to proceed with enrolment.In addition, we ask you to give your consent (optional) to take promotional photos and videos of you.

2. Purposes of the processing:
The data supplied by you will be used for the purpose of proceeding with the registration at our school in order to organize courses and for promotional activities.In particular, your personal data will be processed:

A) without your express consent (Art. 24(a, b, c) Privacy Code and Art. 6(b, e) GDPR), for the following purposes: - conclude contracts for the Controller services; - fulfil the obligations of contract, contractual and tax issues related from the relationship that has been entered into with you; - fulfil the obligations set by the law, a regulation, the Community legislation or an order of the Authority (such as anti-money laundering rules); - exercise the Controller rights, such as the right of defence in legal proceedings;

B) only with your prior consent (Articles 23 and 130 Privacy Code and Art. 7 GDPR), for the following marketing purposes: - send you via e-mail, post and/or SMS and/or telephone numbers newsletters, commercial communications and/or advertising material on the services offered by the Controller.

The methods by which personal data will be processed include both paper and electronic formats.

4. Duration of processing:
Your personal data, processed for the purposes mentioned above, will be archived for the whole duration of the contract and, afterwards for the period of time during which the school is subject to obligations of retention for tax purposes or other purposes provided by law or regulation.

5. Communication and disclosure of personal data
The data provided will not be disclosed to third parties.

6. Controller of the processing:
The Controller of the processing of the personal data is the school ACCADEMIA ITALIANA DI MEMOLI dr. FRANCESCA ROMANA S.r.l. based in Via Roma, 39 – 84121 Salerno. The Controller of the processing can be contacted via e-mail at or call 089 256965.

7. Subject’s right:
Pursuant to Articles 15 to 22 of the EU Regulation nr. 2016/679, in any time you can exercise the right:

  • to demand confirmation of the presence of your personal data;
  • to obtain instructions on the purposes of the processing, the categories of the personal data, the receivers or the receivers’ categories the personal data have been or will be communicated to and, if possible, the retention period
  • to obtain the rectification or erasure of the data
  • to restrict the processing of the data
  • to obtain the data portability, i.e. to receive them from a processing controller in a structured and commonly used format, readable by an automatic device, and to transmit them to another processing controller without restrictions
  • to object to the processing at any time and also in case of processing for direct marketing purposes
  • to object to an automated decision process regarding natural persons, included profiling.
  • to ask the Controller of the processing for the access, rectification and erasure of the personal data or the processing limitation or to object to the treatment and to the right of the data portability
  • to withdraw consent at any time without prejudicing the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before its withdrawal
  • to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority. You can exercise your rights with a written request sent to ACCADEMIA ITALIANA DI MEMOLI dr. FRANCESCA ROMANA S.r.l., to the mailing address of its registered office or to the e-mail address